Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thanksgiving Volume II

Here is what my kid does. He cries if you do not stand up and walk with him. Grant just sits there, oblivious to anyone crying around him. But since my kid demands you walk around with him, you can well imagine how much arm time he got with grandma. I had to hurry and take this picture before she passed him to someone else.

Cosmo and I had a blast. Well, maybe I had more fun than he did. But at least I helped him light his very first fire. We had fires almost every night and for some reason, he wanted to climb right in every time.

Speaking of fire, here is the king of the fireplace himself. Just like the king of the jungle lord over their kill, so does this king. You can see the look in his eye as he hunches over and devours his fresh kill of apple pie and vanilla bean ice cream. It is good to be the king.

If you don't believe me when I say my kid does not like to sit still, here is another fantastic shot full of enthusiasm and infantile joy. Or maybe he is just passing a kidney stone. I think he already has the famous Camm Swift F-you stare down pretty well, don't you?

What kind of father would I be if I did not post yet another photo of my beautiful boy staring up at a toy. I will let you come up with your own southern adjectives to describe the look on my boy's face.

Thanksgiving Volume I

Here is Dianne doing her Auntly duties and hanging out with the nieces and nephews. Don't be fooled if you see her in that outfit more than once. She probably wore it almost everyday. She kept saying it was her jogging suit but I only ever saw her jog for her can of Sobe. hahaha

Here is mother dearest whisking her way into Rich's heart with her homemade gravy. I wanted to pour the blood of the roast on my mashed potatoes but noooo. I thought she did a much better job of making rolls.

So here was our feast. Sure Kerri made some delicious squash and green bean casseroles but please. Nothing can compete with the roast. Even the scrumptious butterball hangs his head in shame next to the almighty cow. Kneel before BOVINE, god of all meats.

This was my plate. I think I have been hanging out in the South for too long.

Like father like son, with a full paunch there is only one thing you can do.

Midgets vs. Lion

Lion 1, Midgets 0

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Christmas is coming

I need to scan the latest soccer and school pics, but since Christmas is coming I threw up some Christmas pics of the girls and their cousins from Christmas 2003 and 2001.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Oh Come, All Ye Faithful

The "Loser" part of this editorial made my day.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

how mom neglected me

I remember when i first realized I needed glasses. I was sitting on the couch in the family room and Mom asked me what time it was. I looked tot he clock in the kitchen and couldn't see it. Karen could see it and Mom told me i needed to have my eyes checked.

I went to the doctors and it was confirmed. I was vision impaired!

So I went to go get glasses. But Mom could not go with me and sent Dad along with me. Thanks a lot Mom. A nine year old does not have enogh sense to pick out her own glasses. Well, I sure as hell didn't. I loved Dad and wanted to be just like him. i found glasses like his and went up to the lady in the store and handed them over to her.

"These are the ones I want."

"Ummm...these are actually men's glasses. We have a nice selection of girl's glasses right over her if you just follow me..."

"Nooooo, I want these. My Dad has them and I want them."

She looked towards Dad and my ever sensible father was like, "Give the girl what she wants."

So thanks a lot Mom!!! I looked like a freak. Fortunatley, Ken and I used to get into physical fights all the time and the lifespan of the those glasses were short. It is a good thing I ignored Mom's advice to not take my school picture in those hideous things. I might then have not had the memory of the those fine specs.

and because i love this picture of me and my mom.....errr, sister. hahaha!!!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Happy Birthday Mom

This tribute is to my mother. As the beautiful siren here, you can see why my father married her. More than that, she has always been a guiding force in my life. She has always pushed me to be a better man and person. She has never been reluctant to let me accept mediocrity nor been shy to tell me why I could have done better. She introduced me to the world of reading at the library and never denied me the opportunity to check out as many books as my little arms could carry. It was her attentiveness that noticed my boredom in the children's section of the library when I was 9. It was she who introduced into me to the Arthurian like fantasy and gave me my first 726 page book to read while still in the 4th grade. I will never forget the sense of adventure while reading nor the thrill of accomplishing such a task. But she had faith in me; she knew I would complete it.

Unlike the photos with my Father, I could not find many solitary pictures of my mother. I realized like many good mothers, she was the one capturing the memories to ensure that one day we would be able to cherish them. I am surprised she managed to keep me as clothed as much as I was for this picture. I always remember her being there as a child. She was always my security that if something went wrong, she was just a screen door away from comfort and endless love. I am sure she appreciated all my naked adventures as a small child among horses, goats, and chickens.

I just had to put this picture in. As ugly as I may have been, this represented her ceaseless faith in me. She knew I needed prodding and she never let up on me. I would not have accomplished half the things in my life if it were not for her. I never would have achieved eagle scout, I never would have continued soccer to the degree that I did, and numerous other things. She is the archetypal mother. She inspires, she nudges, she loves. Her belief in me helps me succeed in life. She is the basis for which I found my wife.

Her knowledge of all things literary was an inspiration to me. She introduced to the world of Arthur and all of his knights. She introduced me to my imagination that would keep me occupied through the seemingly endless days of high school. She was always there to teach me and show me how great my potential was. Her example of raising 5 kids, teaching after the youngest of us was in elementary school, going to night classes to get her masters after teaching and having to deal with the likes of me exists only in the greatest of people.

She has supported me through everything I have ever wanted to do and somethings that I did not want to do. I have always loved her for that. She has NEVER given up on me and I hope that I can always make her proud. All the wretchedness that I am, she has always believed me to be Pig Will when it was clear to everyone else that I was Pig Won't. She has always made me want to be Pig Will. I love you mom. Happy Birthday.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Got a couple Halloween pics up in the Flickr account. Not too bad a Halloween this year. Pretty cold, but at least this time it wasn't snowing.