Friday, November 28, 2008

Christmas Stocking Names

Since Mom was being lazy, she told me to figure out names for stockings (or just a family present because we don't really do stockings and haven't since 1999). The limit is $40. That includes shipping and whatever else. Try and think of a family gift. It really should not be to hard. We tried to video tape it for authenticity but Fatticus kept eating the paper slips with peoples names on it. So here they are written down, but rest assured they were pulled from metal mixing bowl for traditions sake.

Susan and Rich buy for Dianne
Gordon and Jen buy for Karen and Jason
Dianne buys for Gordon and Jen
Karen and Jason buy for Ken and Kerri
Ken and Kerri buy for Susan and Rich.

That means everyone should get mom and dad something. Maybe if they sent out emails with lists we would know what to get them. It is not like we read minds or anything. Send your own lists out so people can buy and ship in time for Christmas.

Hope everyone enjoyed roast beast for thanksgiving. It just isn't a thanksgiving without being able to pour the blood onto your mashed potatoes. YUMMMMMMMY!!!!


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