I am DONE!!
Ahhhhh. It feels so good to graduate. Now I can start accomplishing my goals in life. Like having a kid and being broke. It will be everything I have ever dreamed of.
It's Swiftalicious
Ahhhhh. It feels so good to graduate. Now I can start accomplishing my goals in life. Like having a kid and being broke. It will be everything I have ever dreamed of.
It's been hotter than hell here lately, but I imagine all of you are in the same boat. One of the nicer outdoor places we can still go is Big Cottonwood Canyon, as it stays much cooler near the river and creeks. We found a nice big flat rock a little ways up the trail to Lake Blanche. There's nice trees, and the breezes blow mist from the creek waterfalls across the rock. We go up there and eat lunch or a snack on the rock, and look for birds. Lots of black capped chickadees.
We have a seed feeder and a suet feeder for birds in the back yard that Grandpa Swift bought and hung in a couple trees with McKenzie and Casey, so we usually have a fair number of birds around. The other day a hawk snagged a robin out there. The hawk was pretty wary so I wasn't able to get as good a picture as I would have liked. We were able to watch it eat that robin from the downstairs window. It was either an immature Sharpshinned or an immature Cooper's hawk. The coloring is pretty much identical at that stage, so hard to know for sure.
July 2, 2006
my doctor told me to count my blessings.
My Blessings
* i am blessed because i can correctly pronounce the word, gorgonzola. you want to add "gorginzilla" to your salad maam? i'm sorry, would that be the other giant lizard from an aging milk experiment gone horribly wrong that attcked your town as well, miss nakumoto?
*i am blessed because i knew long before working with food, that the term "pasta" was a broad word that allowed numerous conncoctions of flour, water, and egg to fall under it.
"oh! so fusilli is like pasta?"
"no sir. it is pasta. it is a type of pasta."
"it's spaghetti."
"no. it is fusilli."
"but, i want pasta!"
"it is pasta. pasta in the shape of a corkscrew. you know, much like the the shape of the tool your mother used to open her morning drink when she was pregnant with you."
*i am blessed because i was raised with the good sense to not wear jerseys with the number 99 on them with no real affliation to any team of any sort. is it reflective of your aspired IQ, or the weight you need to lose before your heart is in the "healthy zone" again?
*i am blessed because neither my posture nor the hair on my neck are grounds for resuscitating the missing link theory.
*i am blessed because i do not take water for granted. if i ask you your drink order, and you say nothing, then nothing you will get. water is not nothing my friends. not nothing. it is a whole lot of something.
*i am blessed because i am honest. i do not say i am ready to order, and then spend five to ten minutes scanning the menu forcing a perfectly good server to waste their time staring.
*i am blessed because i can walk. walk away as you try to prove you are ready to order. and walk back to the table when you have had time to think about your order and that lie you so boldly told me 15 minutes ago.
*i am blessed because i have an astounding memory. i can remember obscure facts such as you were drinking decaf, not regular coffee. "is that decaf? i was drinking decaf, you know. i can't have caffeine! has to be caffeine free. no caffeine for me! no sir! is that decaf!?"
there may be traces of my DNA in your mug, madam, but caffeine? i assure you, no.
*i am blessed because i have enough room in my heart to treat everyone like family. if the 10 second rule is good enough for my own blood, then by god, it is good enough for you!
you are right doc, i feel MUCH better.