My Kickass Internship

For the next two weeks, I am lucky enough to watch the K-9 unit. One of the K-9 officers is telling me how to lean back and to keep my hands in the suit at all times so I don't lose any fingers. That suit weighed at least 35-40 lbs and was hot as hell. Underneath I was wearing khakis and a collared shirt. It was about 9:30 at night and 85 degrees so I was sweating like Gordon riding a bike, but it was worth every minute of it.

The first time they just let the dog grab my leg. The dog was pulling pretty good but it wasn't to hard to stay up. You will also notice the officer is keeping a tight leash on his dog.

This is another shot of the first bite. They train the dog to get a complete mouthful when they bite. I can only imagine if this really was some dude's leg with only a pair of levi's between the skin and the canine's teeth.

The second attack after he ordered his dog off the first time was a lot better. The canine's bite covered my entire elbow and felt like a damn vise. That suit is several inches thick and it still felt like I had slammed my entire arm in a car door. It was AWESOME.

These last two pictures were the absolute best. They had me "run" about 10 yards or so and then released the dog. Running in that suit is like a trying to play soccer in one of those carnival sumo wrestler suits. Their only instructions were, under no circumstances was I to fall over. So I started to "run and they released the dog and that canine was all over me.

It took like three steps and jumped on my back and wrapped its legs around me. I simply cannot imagine what it would have been like without the suit. The canine had my left lat in his vice like grip and was shaking and trying to pull me down. All I can say is that it has been a LONG time since I have had this much fun.
Damn that looks fun. You are a badass.
hahhaha. why don't you show us how interesting your job is and post another pic of the reflection of some naked fat guy.
funny you mention that ken, i was looking over the blog last night and saw those old posts of the nekkid men. Our blog is a year old! not too much blood shed considering the participants.
that looks freaky kenneth. i would be screaming and thinking, dear god, not the face, not the face! my only real money making trait!
That is so awesome. I love the last picture, it lookes like you're just a huge fat guy getting mauled.
That's a pretty chingon internship you got there, Sancho. Nicely done.
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