Christmas in Indiana '05 Part 2
Christmas Eve, the tree was full of presents and everyone was having a blast. I think we ran out of paper and tape, but made sure everyone had the traditional orange in the bottom of the stocking. Mom informed us that the tradition began with her parents and their family during the depression and oranges were hard to come by so it was something special. Always good to know about the past.
We played a couple games to learn about the family and our past. It was a great opportunity to know mom and dad's first car, first jobs, grand praents and great grand parents names, and other little tidbits. Following that game, I had Dad and Mom solve the puzzle I made out of blocks I cut, painted and had Kerri painted the letters on. One side they had to arrange the puzzle to form the phrase "Orky, corky, and snakes" which is from a memory I have about asking Dad evernight in my bunkbed for years. Once they solved the puzzle, they flipped over the blocks and it said "We are pregnant!" It was a lot of fun. I wish Gord and family and Dianne could have been there.
Here is my beautiful wife making her yearly Christmas scowl. Isn't she just a peach? get it? GET IT? I am an idiot.
Hey, who put the Dad's eggnog in Carrington's bottle?