Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Do you believe in Reincarnation?

Is it just me or does Bailey look eerily like a reincarnation of Muffy.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

the doggies!


haha, mostly me but some of bailey

my face is like that because i do not like my makeup being washed off by a tongue.

group smelly hug.

they both always have to be licking you...its gross!

Little Willy

Here he is, Ian William White. Since Greg is still running Windows 95 on his computer with a 28.8k internet connection, I am going to post the pictures of his kid. Of course, I an has the alien newborn look that all kids do. To bad he doesn't have the cone shaped head like Maddox did when the used the vacuum on his skull.

Ohh, what a beautiful child. And what a piece of crap friend I am. I still have not been out to see him. I think Greg said he weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and was like 34 inches long. hahahaha. No, I can't remember how long so I just made something up. Probable like 22 inches or something regular like that.

Look at the twins.

To bad Maddox would not take a pacifier. I bet life is a lot easier with one. I wanted to wrap duct tape around Maddox's head to hold it in his mouth but Kerri was against that. Mothers are always coddling their kids like that.

Here is the newest addition posing with his namesake. The freaky thing is that Ian is smiling. Well, he is healthy and strong with no problems. I am sure Greg will fill in some comments of stuff I have left out.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


jam for the rolls. soooo good.

thank you baby lamb for dying for me.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Centipede attack

So I don't have the spring break pics uploaded yet. Sue me. Tomorrow's my day off, so I'll try and get it done.

In the meantime, I bring you centipede eating a mouse, and centipede eating a bat.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Dinner

After talking to Dad, Mom, and Dianne about the leg of lamb they were having for Easter dinner and the homemade strawberry jam Dianne made the other day, I thought would post pictures of my holiday dinner. Scrumptious!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Oh yeah, the blog

Man, three weeks with no posts. I've got to keep on this thing. I've been busy with some personal stuff, but I don't know what the hell Ken's excuse is. I've seen those patrol cars, they have laptops now. Would it kill him to put the donut down and post once in a while? I think not. And Dianne could at least post some freaky tattoo pics or something.

We had a good time down at Mom and Dad's during spring break. I'll upload the pictures into the Flickr account this weekend. Took Jen and the mini Jens whale watching for the first time, and they had a blast. The girls have been climbing machines at the new gym lately, are getting stronger each week. Kenzie insists on flexing her arm and making me feel her muscles after each session.

I should have pics up by tomorrow. I swear.