Sunday, July 31, 2005


Cincinnati's crazy for Cornhole

I shit you not, that's the title.

Some key quotes.

"Just aim and pray," says Schmitt, 31, of East Walnut Hills.

Prayers are optional, but the aim is clear: this group - along with
hundreds more on any given day - can't get enough of Cincinnati's favorite
home-grown game, cornhole.

One player admits to setting up the game in the basement so he can play
during the chilly months.

"My uncle throws a tournament for family and friends every summer,"
says Broxterman...

"It's amazing how it brings families together," says Whetstone.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Banana Republic

Damn funny.

Your Morning Irony

By Matthew Yglesias bio

Just a few New York Times headlines that popped out at me this morning:

Approves Bill Protecting Gun Businesses

Projects Find Home in Bill

Graft Is Threatening Latin America

I think it would be a mistake
to construe the political forces governing the United States at the present
moment as representing "conservatism" in any sort of traditional sense as one
might find in a book on political theory. A graft-ridden banana republic, on the
other hand, is not a terrible model.

For any of you interested in politics, he's one of the more entertaining writers. His stuff is regularly here and here.


What are people doing for vacations this year? I mean beside that damn freewheeling Dianne and her trips to Europe. I was thinking we'd go to the cabin this year, but Jen and the girls really want to see Yellowstone, so I think we're going to try and get up to Yellowstone in August. Looks like it's only 6 or 7 hours from here.

The girls had a great time at last years cabin trip.


Some of the better jokes I've seen lately:

Q. What's the height of conceit?
A. Having an orgasm and calling out your own name.

Q. How can you tell the porno star at the gas station?
A. Just as the gas starts up the hose, he pulls out the nozzle and sprays the gas all over the car.

Q. How many perverts does it take to put in a light bulb?
A. Just one, but it takes the entire emergency room to get it out.

Sin brings home that cheddar

In the battle for profit, it appears sin beats righteousness.

I've been doing my part, this is what I'm drinking lately. A bit pricey, but it's damn tasty shaken with cran-grape juice. Because breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

A bit foreign

Dianne's assignment is to write something awesome on one of the Tube whiteboard posters and get a pic of her next to it. An example:

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Dad has baby watching skills

Dad and Mckenzie enjoying a shared hobby.

On closer inspection, it appears Dad caught a platypus. Lips ahoy.

Morning Glory

Here is another one called Morning Glory

Get your war on

This guy does some pretty good comics too. This is the one right after Bush rambled about steroids in the State of the Union address.

This guys comics are the greatest.

Here is his website for more.


This sounds like something one of Ken's friends would do.

Fratboy: A dude was walking around the dorm last night cradling a turd.

Chick: Eww! Like a real piece of poop?

Fratboy: Yeah, it was huge, really impresive.

Chick: Oh, that's cool then.

Fratboy: At first I thought it was an otter.

--53rd & 10th

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Wolf Spider

I think what Karen's got in her yard is a Wolf Spider. They get pretty damn big.

Babies and peaches

I submit that jaundiced babies look like a peach. Or at least Kenzie did.

Triumphs of the Sperm

Here's a couple of the earlier pics of my kids, or as Kenneth would call them, Triumphs of the Sperm.

First off is Kenzie in her pool, before Karen pissed her off by touching her.

Here's where Karen begins to torture her.

And here's an early one of Casey on Mom and Dad's front lawn. Jen loves to get them to play "so big" and snap a pic in that pose.