Thursday, August 30, 2007

Happy Birthday to Maddox

Today, the 29th is Maddox's birthday and we went all out. Cake, balloons, streamers, clowns, the works. hahahaha yeah right. If I hope to raise my kid right, his next 9 birthdays will consist of slumber parties in a big tent with a bunch of his friends in sleeping bags and the occasional horse back ride at a near by elementary school preferably by a horse named Happy-Go-Lucky. No he is just like his Dad and likes to help weed in the garden

However, quite unlike his Dad, he feels the need to taste the composition of the soil to determine if the correct amount of fertilizer has been added. I think it has just the right amount of fecal matter Pops.

What a handsome looking kid. At one year old, life can only get better from here. Hopefully, he turns out to look more like Kerri because I got uglier with age and I started out as a pretty ugly kid. Kerri thought of a great tradition where instead of cards that ultimately get thrown away, we get a book that represents him from the last year and write our card in the book so he keeps it for a long time. My wife is great, isn't she.
A boy and his father sharing some delicious chocolate milk. Only one of us has the chocostache. When he looks up with those big blue eyes, you just can't say no to giving him chocolate milk, or bratwurst, or a small piece of your meat lovers Papa John's pizza.

Just like every Swift in the history of mankind, this one is an accident magnet. Take for instance a lovely evening in the bath playing turns into a game of how-hard-can-you-head-butt the porcelain tub. I am just glad he did not loose any teeth. Just like a Swift, he was told to "walk it off" and was fine in a matter of minutes. With ten fingers and ten toes, 2 eyes, 2 ears, all his limbs and some teeth (due to having not grown in yet, not because they were knocked out), Maddox begins again at 1 and will hopefully continue on with as much success as ever. He had better because he will have a little brother soon enough to contend with.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

who needs a human kid...

I caught a cold and have spent my time on the couch when not at work. I have a trusty sidekick who Dad caught both yesterday and today sleeping with me...just like me.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Self Explanatory

If you can't figure out what this video is about, you are mildly retarded. Everything is great here. Yes, Kerri is pregnant and yes we are having another boy. How do I know that you ask? The Lord blesses the righteous and between Kerri and I, we all know who is the more righteous one.


I'll be away from email for a bit. We're heading out to Colter Bay in Grand Teton and Grant Village in Yellowstone for 10 days or so. Cell phones will probably work if anyone needs to reach me.

Saturday, August 04, 2007