Saturday, May 06, 2006


it is pet accumulation month here at the swift household. this came yesterday. we did not officially name her, but everytime she misbehaves, i tend to say, "listen here missy!" and we all know what happens when we do not name them from the get go. cats become, the mom cat. mr. kitty. and i know, she will be missy.


At 5/06/2006 02:38:00 PM, Blogger Ken said...

Is it just me, or does anyone else have memories around easter time of a big fluffy dog that would run underneath the two coffee tables. Mishka, if anyone could not remember. That dog looks like it is going to be huge and someday have two smaller dogs for lunch.

At 5/06/2006 03:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dianne's starting to become the archetypal crazy old cat/misc. animals lady.

At 5/08/2006 08:17:00 AM, Blogger dianne said...

Bailey it is. i like that actually. she is just the colour of bailey's irish cream...and walks like she is drunk. people keep telling me, name her something hard, she is a big vicious dog!


capital punishment
ku klux

these are all i could come up with.

At 5/09/2006 02:55:00 AM, Blogger Gordon said...

How about Dixie. Dixie Normis.


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