Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Cookies and Captain Bun Piggies

The pictures of the haircuts didn't really come out, so I've got to try again. In the meantime, the girls have been cookie making machines. We've been doing the basic Joy of Cooking recipe for chocolate chip cookies, but we add oats and use wheat flour instead of white.

With shorter hair, this is Kenzie's new favorite style for when she goes to dance lessons. Apparently she considers them and cross between pigtails and a bun as her response to my query about the new hairstyle was "they're bun piggies."


At 2/02/2006 04:34:00 PM, Blogger dianne said...

haha, i love kenzie. and sick, i hated the oats in our cookies as kids, i would love going to the whites and eating the cookies that sandy made for greg, white flour and no chocolate chips. don't get me wrong, i loved the things our parents made, just not the poop inducing cookies.

At 2/03/2006 09:11:00 AM, Blogger Ken said...

hahaha. why dont you just mix in some barley and almonds. They are good for you so why not put them in cookies. Why do you think my favorite treats are snickerdoodles and pound cake.

At 2/03/2006 05:41:00 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

Ha. I wanted to add walnuts, but the girls said that was crossing the line.

I like cookies better with wheat flour and oats. Better texture and taste.


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