A couple of weeks ago we had guest come rummage around our back deck. Cute little fuzzy guy ain't he? I had a trap set for him the next night but he didn't come back. A guy at church told me he used to catch them as a kid and then sell them for $5 to people for food. Yummy.
for food?!?! sick. see what i mean? is there anything southern people don't eat?!
Maybe I have been living in the south to long but that shiny piece of flesh hanging on the back end in the second picture looks pretty yummy to me. Deep fried of course.
Possums are for abusing. I once chased one down in the Spurgeon's back yard and whacked it with a metal bar.
So, is he a permanent thing on your screened porch or what? He looks pretty darn comfortable for being a wild possum. Be honest you adopted him from a mexican animal shelter didn't you. Let me guess, his name is Mr. Kitty and he loves kitten chow.
Sorry to disapoint you but that's not racist it's folklore. Rumor had it that a woman adopted a small rat terrier from a mexican animal shelter. She brought it home and took it to the vet only to find out that it was a large rodant.
oh yeah i totally remember that story in those scary story books. the tiajuana hairless cat! hahaha!
there was another one where a girl has this boil on her face and it keeps growing until pops one day and all these spiders come out of it. it was a spider's egg!
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