Friday, September 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Pops

In honor of my father on this great day, the 29th of September 2006, I want to instill upon those who read this the greatness of this man. If you do not know Camm C. Swift, then you can not understand the esteem nor the regard that I and those who do know him hold for him. I am lucky enough to have been born his son. He is and always will be the single greatest man I have I ever met. In the eyes of his family, he is a man without peer.

To understand this giant among men, you must have gone seining with him. Without it, you cannot grasp his physical strength, his seemingly limitless intellect, or his sheer will power to complete a goal. I would go so far as to say that without this experience, you cannot call yourself a man. Some rites of passage call for you to kill a bear or travel great distances. I submit that one 14 hour day with my father will leave you in awe of what a true man should strive to be.

If ever there was something my Father could do and do well, it was teaching his children to fish. I cherish the memories of both bait fishing and fly fishing on Domingo Creek. He always new the water hole just behind the log or at the edge of the bank where we would be sure to hook a rainbow trout. If you have never camped out with Camm, you will never understand all that this man has to offer.

If you have ever wondered how a man that does not quite reach 5'7 command the presence of a room, look closer at this picture. The silent confidence has always been reassuring as a child and leaves me envious as an adult. When you see his hands folded in front as he rocks up onto the balls of his feet, you understand that his patience is wearing thin. His logic is always dead on; his reasoning always sound. He has always been an unending source of wisdom, excitement, and love. He is an example to emulate for men and fathers everywhere.

Happy Birthday Dad. You have to know that each and every person in your family holds you in the highest regard. As we speak, Camm is seining on his birthday. Long live the man, the myth, the living legend.


At 9/29/2006 07:56:00 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

I like how no one's face is visible on that Chester pic. Chester, incidentally, looks exactly the same as it did when we used to go.

At 9/30/2006 04:41:00 PM, Blogger dianne said...

egad i know. and people wonder why it is taking em so long to get rid of my baby fat. look how much i have to get rid of!

At 10/01/2006 06:31:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow Ken, that is so on the mark!!! I love it and every memory that each picture and story you mention tells. Hope all is well with everyone. I miss you guys.

At 10/02/2006 03:52:00 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

If ever there was something my Father could do and do well, it was teaching his children to fish.

I agree. But apparently I'm the only worthwhile student, seeing as I'm the one who actually does it on a regular basis. Shame on all of you.


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