Friday, March 10, 2006

Time to grow some veggies

I am so bored at work that I am going to talk about the fruits and vegetables that I am going to plant and grow over the next couple of months. I have also decided to expand my horizons and dabble in some limp wristed cultivation with flora and fauna like Gord. However, I have to do quite a bit to the soil. It is always fun to see beer cans under a few inches of dirt. It help me sleep sound at night when the rain is pounding on the roof and the wind whips by and I think, "I wonder how many drunk construction workers it took to build my house." Who knows, there might be one buried under the insulation up in the attic.

Using the guide Dad bought for me, I have selected out some hydrangeas, sunflowers, foxgloves, daisies, and others to brighten my other wise dull and dreary life. Oh wait, isn't that what my unborn child is supposed to do? Anyway, back on topic. I have to till the ground and mix in some good cow crap so it will resemble dirt. Maybe Greg will post some pictures of his first garden he is supposed to be growing this summer. (I buy my stuff here.) I really don't trust Lowe's or Home Depot with organic, living material since every plant Kerri bought at either location seems to have died while the seeds I bought from Park's produced more than I knew what to do with. (another side note: Seeing that Kerri may have the touch of death when it comes to living things, is she really the woman I want mothering my child?) I will post some pictures when I get home and take them.


At 3/12/2006 06:25:00 PM, Blogger dianne said...

i love reading these
this is so funny

At 3/12/2006 06:25:00 PM, Blogger dianne said...

that was mom


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