Saturday, September 03, 2005


Ken asked what kind of camera I've been using in the comments on the post below, so I though I'd put the specs up in case anyone else was curious.

Our old Olympus digital cam broke a while back, so a few months ago we bought a Sony at Costco. (Incidentally, one of the reasons I buy damn near everything at Costco is that one of their policies is that they limit markup to 14 percent.) Ours is the 5.1 megapixel. They had a Nikon and a Canon that were a little cheaper, but the LCD screen on the back was tiny. The Sony's screen is much larger. For those of you who aren't using digitals yet, the reason you want that big screen in back is that you can look at the pics you've taken, and if they haven't turned out, or your finger was in front of the lens, etc, you can just delete them right there. With the tiny screen, it's really hard to make out your picture. I also prefer regular batteries to rechargeable. When you're out in the middle of nowehere, you don't always have a charger. The Sony we bought takes just two AA's, and the case it came with has a little zip pouch that easily holds 4 more, so at any given time you've got two extra sets. We also spent 50 bucks and got a 512 mg card, which on a 5 megapixel camera will hold at least 200 pics.


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