Friday, July 13, 2007

It runs in the family

Here is Maddox playing police man in my take home car that sits in my driveway. He looks like a natural doesn't he. Ready to place handcuff on any piece of crap that looks at him the wrong way, just like Daddy. hahaha just kidding.

Flying down the road at break neck speeds, ready to jump out and chase down any criminal who decides to flee from officers. That's my boy.

If you are going to be a police officer, you have to have "the look." No further explanation needed.

Lets get real, if he truly is a Swift, the most likely place he will end up is in the back seat.

Just like his aunt, uncle, father, and grandfather before him, so must the prophecy be fulfilled.


At 7/14/2007 10:00:00 AM, Blogger dianne said...

hahaha...maddox is cute but your kid's head is huge!

i am fighting the urge to quote "So I Married an Axe Murderer."

At 7/14/2007 12:30:00 PM, Blogger Ken said...

That is because you can not see the rest of his body. His head is big though. Don't worry, he doesn't cry himself to sleep on his huge pillow.

At 7/14/2007 05:39:00 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

Christ Dianne, first you compare my kid's leg to a sausage, then this? I'm so telling Mom.

At 7/15/2007 03:23:00 AM, Blogger Ken said...

At least she didn't say she wanted to eat it, like she did the sausage time.


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